How To Repair The Continuous Frying Machine

continuous frying machine as a mechanical equipment, has problems is inevitable, then we only find the problem in time and find the crux of the problem for maintenance, the continuous frying machine can still continue to normal use. But in the process of fully automatic deep-water maintenance we should pay attention to these ten major issues.
1. To ensure continuous frying machine have a thorough understanding and familiar with the relevant tasks, service maintenance can be carried out.
2. Be careful when handling automatic frying machine.
3. Do not perform any operating procedures when servicing continuous fryer machine.
4. Do not idle the safety device.
5. Use a suitable tool to operate continuous fryer machine.
6. Do not open the cover of the power supply while it is on.
7. Be very careful when making adjustments on a fully automated, frying machine that runs directly.
8. Relieve all air and pressure indices before servicing any pressure system or disconnecting it.
9. Air pressure, water pressure and power should be turned off unless special repair service is required.
10. Only replace the fuse when the power is off.
For better protection, the power supply should be padlocked, with a dedicated person in charge of the key, in order to prevent anyone from starting up the power supply accidentally while servicing a fully automatic deep-drawing assembly line.
If you want to know more about the continuous fryer machine,contact me.